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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Results for the use of Technology Advancements

Technology has many purposes. It is something you can find in almost every household. Laptops, computers, desktops, Macs, i phone, smart phone, Ipad are typed of  advanced technology. During recent years mnay new advanced inventions have come out , for example: High speed running laptops, being able to have a GPS on a phone, or being able to watch a movie on a ipod. These are all examples of todays technology. These gadgets can be very helpful and fun to just play with! But with these advantages come disadvantages too. Soon people will become dependent on a phone or cant go anywhere without a laptop or come home and straight take their phone and text. These modern invention can cause a plethora of problems.

Technology should be used but for a good point and should be used from a positive view. You can use it for knowlege or as a resource too. They can be used for education as demonstrated in schools and homes. They can be used for homework. Look at todays technology as a benefit.

Therefore iI present you the negatives for technology but how you can still use them for a good purpose. What do you think should technology used for?


raashi280 said...

Hadia, I agree. Some people do use technology for bad purposes because to text, phone.... I think that technology should be used for researching, for work or school, to check for the forecast this week, to ask on the phone what is for homework to a friend, to get yo and to use it for other important things. But sometimes it is good because it will your life become easier because you can type instead of write. You can email instead of writing a letter. So this what I think of technology,

Anonymous said...

hey hadia! i agree with you, some people are so addicteed to their cell phones or laptops and dont have a life outside of them. its always good to take most of your time to do other work that is needed finished or spen time with friends/family. I also agree that technology is good for researching. We use the internet most of the time to research information for our projects. Great job and keep up the great work!

Unknown said...

Dear Hadia,

I liked your blog, but please check your spellings before you publish your blogs. Thank you.

By the way happy and healthy birthday! :)

Your dad

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