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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Boardroom essay

                                                                                                    Board Room Essay
                                                                                                 March, 25, 2011
          With the increasing speed of technological innovation, Smartphone’s have become a vital constituent in 42 percent of Americans daily routine. Smartphone’s give us more than just mobility and entertainment. As machinery becomes more intricate, so do our needs. Therefore, a Smartphone confirms to be an improved phone to purchase than any other cell phone. These provisions of internet/web, quality and efficiency are all combined into this gadget, small enough to carry it in your pocket.
             Smartphone’s offer greater functionality than, any other regular cell phones. It has the fastest wireless connection and the internet at your fingertips. This tool downloads, page loads and data transmission quickly than any ordinary phone. Wi-Fi is guaranteed to be the fastest and available in all areas. Therefore being an owner of a Smartphone will provide you the necessary speed you need for everyday life. With older phones the data would be slower and might not have Wi-Fi in all locations.
              These advanced phones have more than speed; the quality is ranked the number one in America. This phone features a vibrant touch screen and spacious keyboards. The call connection is great no matter where you are or when you call. It has excellent reception and superior sound quality. With the Smartphone’s quality, you can do everything effortlessly and professionally.
             These Smartphone’s efficacy reaches to a high-level. It uses less battery and is more durable than any other phone in the market. However the material of what phones are made of can be harmful. With the Smartphone’s no matter which product people choose to use, using post consumer recycled materials can help reduce waste. This makes Smartphone’s environment friendly. With this level of efficacy, no other phone can compete with this.
                 It is in the best interest that Smartphone’s are a better product to acquire than any other cell phone. Consumers of cell phones need the right assets that consist of quality, efficiency and speed. These features will benefit the consumers when it comes to purchase one. To fulfill the needs of customers and to sell products that are worth it is the true attempt in order to be successful.



Anonymous said...

Hi Hadia! I really liked your boardroom essay! If I worked at a boardroom i am sure that i would advertise your product! it is really convincing into all the great features and techniques that your Smartphone has!:)! I liked how you made it sound like your smartphone is better than all the others with fast Wi-Fi and how it loads quicker!great job!!!

Abi Amazing! said...

Hadia, you sounded very professional with words like intricate. It was very convincing and I loved it!If I now had a choice i would definitely buy a Smart phone. Really keep up the great work !!!!!!!


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