My Stories

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.:P

Monday, September 27, 2010

My Locker

   My locker is located in the rockets hall, my team. Every day after each period I go to it turning the dial and watching the numbers spin by. However this particular day, as I approached my locker something was wrong. The lock was flipped! I looked around, the halls were deserted and the bell to 3rd period was going to ring. Paniking, I tried turning, yanking and pulling but nothing happened. Suddenly I could hear every clock in the school tick by each second.

    Then suddenly Mr.Kenny popped out of the next door way. I jumped and dropped all my books. " Woah he said is something wrong?" I nodded and in a squeaky voice replied " My..... locker  er ... flipped" I said, my voice barely above a whisper. Suddenly the bell rang and I flinched. But Mr Kenny eyed my locked and fiddled with, a few moments later click! it opened. I heaved a sigh of relief. Gathering my books I rushed to class,clutching my late pass. I slumped into my chair. What a day!


Unknown said...

Were you able to get your locker to open if Mr.Kenny was not there. I think that if I had gotten my locker flipped I would have been scared just like you. I loved the way you took like a two minute experience and turned it into two paragraphs. I love small moment stories. Ithink this story was really good and nicely written

Vedhanth said...

Guess what I flipped my own locker! Yea I wasn't paying attention and I turn around and my locker was flipped. You should be careful!

P.S You spelled panicking wrong! NOT PANIKING!

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