My Stories

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.:P

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Does Patriotism Still Matter/

Does Patriotism Still Matter?

I have been reciting the pledge of alligence every day, since I started my elementary school. I always wondered what could be one act of passion that brings every one of us living in same country to stand as one nation, under one God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Finally, today I understood the meaning of that pledge when my teacher gave me this topic to write about “Does patriotism still matters”
Yes, I firmly believe that patriotism matters. It means many things but most importantly it means to love for your country and be willing to sacrifice your freedom to defend it. Patriotism is not a blind passion It requires to support your `country wisely and doing best for it.
It’s human nature that we grow to love our town and country of birth. Especially when that country provides us with equal rights, liberty and justice, where we have freedom to pursue our dreams and can practice religion of our choice. We develop love and want to pay back when our country and its people need it.
Patriotism is a quality that makes us involved with community service. It encourages us to give society that will make it better. It force us to seek ways how to stand for those principal upon which the nation was built which includes moral responsibilities and freedom of conscious.
Patriotism still matters because without it, what would we really have? It means we are showing no respect and devotion for our country. We are not doing enough to make it peaceful and stable. It means we are taking our rights and freedom for granted. We are not proud of the country that made us who we are. Not being a patriot we are like a sunny day friend that only comes out when there no troubles on the horizon.
I believe that no matter what culture, faith and nation you belong to, patriotism stays the same for everyone. It does matter today and will always be!
I’m a patriot!

1 comment:

Vedhanth said...

People don't care about patriotism. Many kids in our school don't say the pledge of alligence. So patriotism is not being taken seriously.

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