My Stories

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.:P

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ralph Fletcher

We read 5 excerpts from Marsfield Dreams: When I was a kid. In the short passages the author, Ralph Fletcher gives a decent amount of imformation about some of his past childhood memories. Some include fore shadowing while others cause readers to feel emational at the end. though I enjoyed all excerpts, I perfered the two I listed below. They had interestin qoutes and good endings.

From the five excerpts, I chose "Bobby" and "Last Kiss".
The reason I chose " Bobby " was because I liked the way the author foreshadows. In the text Ralph Fletcher states
He sat in the play pen happy as a pie, like he had no idea what was coming which of course he didnt.
( P.59,Fletcher,2005) Here he gives a hint with the sentence, that something bad was going to happen to the character,Bobby. As you later read, Bobby is killed in a car accident during his senior years.

The other excerpt I chose was " Last Kiss" In this passage, Ralph Fletcher uses dialoge and a woven idea. The qoute I perfered was
My father and I had drifted apart from each other in a small but important way.
The author also ends the story emotianlly causing the reader to fell bad or have sympathy over the protaganist.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey hadia!! you did a great job on this post!!! it would have been a little better if it was a little longer. but not as long as your giver post because that wuz just too long. overall you did a great job on this post and I look forward to reading your other posts. and again great job!!!

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