My Stories

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.:P

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Welcome Mrs Carroll!!

Welcome to Herbert Hoover Mrs.Carroll, I hope you enjoy your stay here and find this school a great place for educational learning. While your here I want to introduce myself as a student and wish you a great time learing!

My name is Hadia Malik, Im a rocket and have originally came from Lincoln Elementry School. One of my favorite things to do is: ART!! Drawing, painting, coloring and sketching are one of my past- time hobbies. I even keep my own sketch book so I can capture every thing by hand, so later I can look back and marvel at the things I might not remember. As a new comer to middle school there are many things I like and dislike. Switching classes are one things that I approve in this grade. Every day you get to meet new people and study and negoitiate with. Also you get a new scieence teacher every semester. That way we learn another topic and have fun with another teacher! However with the things I like are some of the things I dont approve. Passing time is one of them. I feel that four minutes are not enough for a student to rush to their locker, grab their books, and head to their next class. What if your locker is flipped or your class is upsatirs? My favorite classes right now are Math and English becuase of the structure and skills that are needed for these subjects. You cant argue with math 2+2 will always equal four! English is great because you get to imporve your grammar and vocab skills. And for those who like reading like myself have a variety of books to pick! I am good at reading and writing for I can persuade and socializa with others. But am not good at keeping track of things. Such as: I sometimes forget I had a assingment to do or forgot to write a home work in my planner.

Because you are a student teacher and are observing in my english class, I will be naming a few things we do from our daily routine and the structure we build on. Somethines when we walk into class Mrs Patalano isnt there. But her directions are on the board. We complete a grammar which consists of a word, and grammar for us to keep revising. That is one thing that is always a part of our routine. There are many things in Mrs. Patalano class that are fun and educational at the same time. The SmartBoard is one example. Students can write, drag and click on the board. We make word using prefixes, suffixes and roots. Another thing students find amusing are the clickers! They are little devices hooked up with the computer so when the questions apear on the SmartBoard we can either text in the answer or submit the answer. Some activities I dont like to do are copying. Sometimes we have to "mindlessly copy" stuff from paper to another which is quite frustrating sometimes. This is every thing from my prespective. So I hope you enjoy your temporary stay here and good luck with your future goals!!!


Krutika said...

No wonder you love art.......... you rock at it!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Hadia! Your post is wonderful! You are a gret artist so putting that into your blog was the right chioce! I agree, i think it is better to switch classes so you could be with other people every period and make new friends! I also agree that four minituse are not enough, i mean they could be enough if all your classes are right next to each other but if they're not then you might be late a few times dropping your other books off then getting your new ones from your locker! Over all great post and keep up the GREAT work!!!

Bijal said...

Hey Hadia! yOUR post is grrat! Your so right, switching classes is fun. You get to make new friend and meet new people.=)

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