My Stories

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.:P

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

 Once again, the holiday seasons come around this time of the year and with them come wishes and the meticulous work of making them come true. Being Santa Claus, you make the mornings of people across the world.Therefore, it is my earnest wish that you will make my morning best by presenting me an iPhone. This gift will be made good use of, and I believe that it is something I earned and deserve.
           Currently, I do not own a phone and without one, many problems occur. My parents don't know where I am and I cannot inform them. For safety reasons, without a cell phone, I wont be able to call for help or contact 911 for an emergency. On the other hand if did have this source, I would easily be in   touch with an adult and can call for help when needed. Regarding these reasons, it would be fun to talk to friends,and do other things with an iPhone.In addition this phone has many apps which makes it easier to handle.
            As you know, I believe I am mature will treat and use the phone wisely and carefully. I worked hard to earn something that will be a use to me and at the same time entertain me. With the iPhone I will increase my safety cautions know in I have something to depend on. At my age I believe I need something updated like the iPhone.
             I am aware that many people are now sending you letters with requests of their ideas of a gifts. I am grateful if you just read my letter and try to fulfill my wish. This holiday wish will be a benefit to me and others as well. Thank you for what you have given me even if you are not able to grant my wish.
Hadia                                 Merry Christmas!!!!!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Hadia! This is a really great post! you really described why you want a phone and why you deserve it! You even said what kind of phone you wanted; a iPhone! GREAT JOB!

Abi Amazing! said...

very good Hadia!! You wrote very well. Maybe you should elaborate on why you deserve that Iphone. Also watch some spelling.Otherwise Great!!!!


sarah m. said...

nice! Great Job!

sarah m. said...

love your motto

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