My Stories

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.:P

Thursday, March 10, 2011


My product that I am advertising and selling is smart phones! To me they are the most usable and complex phone system in the century of modern day. In many ways they prove to be better than just regular phones, but the problem is: TO sell you got to ADVERTISE! In order for the world to know my opinion and to persuade to buy this product, I am composing this letter to the channel 7 station in order to convince them to add this commercial.


   Dear faculty and organization of NBC,
 I am sending this letter on behalf of the company that makes smart phones. As you have seen, as the world grows more composite so does technology. There isn’t any one that hasn’t heard of texting, email or chatting. Communication is now fast and is in such high quality those years before we would have never thought that technology would reach this high standard. However a big percentage of this machinery usage comes from the utilization of cell phones alone. Therefore our company wants to supply the world with the better and we believe that each of our smart phones will make a better cause.

 With the all new smart phones you can pick what you want on your phone and when you want it. Whether you want touch screen or lots of apps or if you want a flip and slide phone, we will always have the best brand and what suits you. Unlike other phone companies we don’t have contracts to sign or hidden fees. We like to do things straight off with our company and place ourselves in the consumer's shoes. We also have free delivery or counter purchase where you buy your desired product there and our team will set you up and hand over the phone with a smile. Contrast to other companies, we have a guarantee warrant until your plan expires! We are ready to fix replace clean any product you might think is not proper or is in some reason disabled.

Besides the basic things we include some thing every hting wants on their phone. Wherever yougo and when you go with smart phones we have internert and live webcam chat! At 6 in the morning you couldbe chatting with your friend in austrlia! With the feeofa dollar a month you could save hundreds by just switching over to our plan.

  These are all the reasons smart phones can be better of than any regular phone. By advertising our product notonly will you help us but you will also benefit your channel and your veiwers.So please reply back with a positive outlook on our product.

                              Smart Phone Company


Krutika said...

Nice job, Hadia. Your post was very interesting to read. It sounded like a professional letter. It was long, too. (lol.... I read your comment for my blog!!)

Anonymous said...

Hi hadia! Your post is very convincing into why your produt should be advertised on Channel 7! I like how you made your post into a letter to NBS TV STATION! That way you could really tell why your Smart Phones should be advertised! your product also worked with the time now because now everyone is using cell phones and smart phones so advertising something everyone is talking about is a really good idea! keep up the great work!

Unknown said...

Hadia Your post was great! i loved it and it sounded just like professional letter. You slipped a little at the end but otherwise great!

Unknown said...

i cant commentas Abi so i commented as JEI

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