My Stories

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.:P

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ummmm....I think I'll Pass

" Ok I asked, whats next."
"That one, lets ride that one." I followed my fathers gaze to see what he pointing at, and caugt my breath. There, to me was the most scariest, tallest steel coaster in the world. I gulped as a row of carts dropped down in the most terrifying drop I had ever seen. Now way I was going on that. But when I looked at my fathers hopeful face, I knew I had to. Glancng at the rollercoaster my mom turned pale, " You want to come?" Dad asked. " Ummm.. I think I'll pass." mom replied nervously. " So My dad said its only you and me, come on!" I couldnt say anything. He grabbed my arm and started pulling, more like dragging me to the long, winding line. As the file of people slowly moved on, I drew deep breaths. Is okay Hadia, its just a ride, it'll be over in a minute. I felt calmer, somewhat, but then I looked up at the towering ride and my insides turned liquid again. " This is going to be so much fun!" my dad yelped. He was acting like a silly little schoolgirl. I didnt blame him, the coaster looked fun if it werent so scary at the same time.You see, my parents took me here to Six flags The Amuement park. Home of the best rides and the tallest steel coasters in the world. They had promised me they would take me there, since I nothing to do over the summer. I actually enjoyed coming here until...this. My brother and sister were lucky, they were safe with my mom, probably riding the horses on the merry go round. Suddenly, the screams of passengers on the ride jolted me back to life. Oh no we were almost there, with each inch we moved the more I felt queasy. " This is going to be great!" my dad said. "Easy for you to say." I muttered under my breath. Soon I felt concrete hit my foot. We were at the steps to the platform. I thought I was going to fall over. Dad rushed ahead of me and waited besides the gates for the carts to come. I slowly made my way up, waiting for doom. As the engines hissed the passengers came in, as they got of their seats, they looked shaken and white as paper. My knees buckled under me. what if I had an heart attack, I could already see my tombtone :Here lays Hadia Malik, died of the sight of a roller coaster,RIP. I shook my head and took a seat by my father. It was nice meeting you I said in my mind. I was buckled up and kept staring at the coasters name painted at the side of the building; NITRO. the engines hissed again I the seats started moving, I felt faint. Im gonna die, Im gonna die>Some one help me!! As we started making our way up hill we inched higher and higher till the ground. My whole body was trembling. I couldnt stop shaking, I felt sick. What if i fall off? What if the rollercoaster stops up here? Just as we went down the bend I looked at dad. He was enjoying himself, relaxing with his arms folded behind his head. " We are going to die" I said. He chuckled. "Im going to kill you after this .... if I live" I said. Still laughing he put an arm around " Come on be stro....AAAAHHHHH!!!!!" The carts fell with the most amzing speed. The wind whipped at my face that tears began to form. I joined in with my dads yell. The drop continued like it was bottemless. I had left my stomache somewhere at the top and was literlly going to be sick. Fighting to keep my head up, I clutched my stomache, opened my mouth and let out the most loudest yell I ever screamed. Suddenly the drop ended and we were titled to the side, I crashed on my dad. Above the noise I think I heard a painfull OOOOWWWW!!!Then everything was quiet. Yes it was over. But I was wrong, down we went again,this time I couldnt see anything. We were sideways, under, over and tilted. Then everything stopped. the impact made me slam my head on the seat. I sat there quivering, my hair looked like a birds nest and my hands looked like they My dad helped me up. My neck hurt, I couldnt feel my legs and my heart was beating so loud I thought everyone could hear it. Dad and I both staggered over to a bench where I sat there, both of us silent. Mom came and gasped lookin at our faces. " Was it that bad?" " IT WAS AWESOME!!" I cried, waving my arms in the air, causing people to look at me. I looked at my dad who was yellow. " Lets go again!" I cried. He groaned. " Ummmm.... I think I'll pass!"

1 comment:

Vedhanth said...

Wow that was so funny! When I went to disney I road the Mt. Everest. I was only 7! Yea it was frighting but loads of fun! I know how you feel!

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