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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Holiday Persuasive: The Angel vs The Star

           Christmas is an annual holiday and for many people, it's the time your family put up an annual tree and decor it with colorful tinfoil and family ornaments. Finally when the tree stands in the corner beautiful and full of Christmas Cheer, its time to put the Tree Topper.

          Some families put up a lovely angel while others top it off with a shining star. Hoever there other types of of symbols but these two are the most popular used. It is an important descion to decide what to use. The ornament will be then passed on in family generations.

        Using angels for toppers is a good way to demonstrate religous beliefs. Most people will remind themselves with the dolls that angel are watching us and are always are looking out for us. Its a symbolic way most Catholic people use as a connection when an angel told the sheperds of the birth of Jesus. Angels are also used for Christmas tree toppers to represent the angel of God that came down from heaven to bring tidings of Jesus' birth. It is often the symbol of the Christian god's message, peace, and love. Choosing a Christmas tree topper angel can remind your family that the reason for the season is Jesus' appearance on earth, and God's word and love.  This is why most people recommend this ornament for a topper.

          Christmas stars for the top of your tree come in a wide variety of styles and colors. Some are plastic, some metalThis is a widely used ornament because they represent the star in the East which is said to have hung over the manger in which Jesus was born. Also this was the source used by the Wise Men who were traveling to see baby Jesus. Many people also believed this is one of the reasons Christmas is celebrated. Having a star on top is a way to represent the message of God and the religon beliefs many families believe in.

          This debate has been going on for years and familes have not been able to decide which is proper. But no matter what you have as a topper, you will know the purpose of Christmas and will continue to lead years of Christmas Cheer. This year many households will be lit up with both and all will represent love and happiness. A good compromise could be an agel holding a star. This could be another form. Who knows?


Anonymous said...

Hey hadia!!! This was such a great post!!! I especially liked the way you showed that the angel and the star are both great toppers but you personally would like a topper where the angel is holding the star so you could have both at the same time!!! The only thing wrong about it is that you posted agel instead of angel in the last paraghraph!!! Other than that, this post is really really GREAT!!!!!!!!!!! I hope to read your other up coming posts as well!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ama said...

Dear Hadia,I agree with Anika.I love your story!!I love when you talk about the angel and star. I have a star on my tree. Personally I like the star better.It is more traditional. I love your posts and hope to look @ your other posts


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