My Stories

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.:P

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What a Night!!

                     Making my way, along the houses I dragged my trick or treat bag with my friends. We were out Trick or Treating for Halloween. Houses were decorated with pumpkins grinning at us and artifical spider webs were tangled among the bushes. Other trick or treaters were ringing the doorbells too. I adjusted my witch hat as a gust of wind blew through the air. " Lets go there." I said to my friends, Namra, pointing at that house. Together we climbed the cement steps and rang the door bell. An old woman answered, "Trick or Treat!" we chimed. As several pieces dropped into our loot bags we smiled at each other. We had enough candy to last us a month! Lugging our bags behind us we trudged to the at the right. Then I got my first good look at it. The roof and porch was sagging giving it a potbellied look. Windows were cracked and the curtains were full of moth holes. Paint peeled of, it made a shiver run down my spine.

           Suddenly,I felt a nudge on my elbow. " What!" I whispered to my friend. Namra silently pointed at the door, " I dare you to go and ring the bell", she replied. All of a sudden the house seemed haunted and seemed like it was waiting to swallow me up. I shook my head. " No way am I going there!" I exclaimed. Namra taunted me. " Your a chicken!" " Am not!" I protested. She folded her arms " prove it." she said putting her self into the house firmly, not budging. I glanced at the house, I thought I saw something flutter behind the curtain. But, stupid as I am, I went. Clutching to my bag I slowly asceded the decaying steps. Dont be scared Hadia, its just a house, I told my self. With a trembling hand I raised to ring the bell, but before I could touch it, the door flew open.

               I gasped, and stumbled backward. The knot of fear in my stomache grew tighter by the second. From the doorway came an old man. With black and blue spots on his head and unseen white hair, he glared at us. Walking with a limp he shook a cane at us furiously. " Darn you kids!" and made a grab for us. Recovering from my shock I bumped into Nmara who was standing there white as a sheet. " Run!" I manged to cry out loud. Our feet pounded against the concerete of the side walk but the man was on our tail. " Come back you dirty rascals!" he yelled. But we didnt stop, we ran and ran till we bumped into our mothers. The madman stopped aa few yards away, yelling threats at us.  " What happened my mother questioned, you guys look like you seen a ghost!" It took a while for me and Namra to stop trembling and then we told what happened. My mom looked at my friends mom and they burst out laughing! " Kids these days!" they exclaimed. We stood there puzzled. What happened to us, what did we do to cause a madman to chase us a half a block on Halloween.

                That night we decided to keep our secret to ourselves and went home. We decided that we had enough trick or treating for this year. I layed in bed as I fell asleep,exhausted. What a Night!!


Christine said...

Hadia, you are doing such an excellent job with your blog! I love the way you have added features such as book reviews, polls, and pictures to enhance the presentation of your blog! Awesome job!! This post had such a great element of suspense and successfully incorporated dialogue! Awesome job! I look forward to checking your blog out next week! Keep posting!

Namra said...

im in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i loved this story!
U ROCK!!!!

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