My Stories

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.:P

Monday, January 3, 2011

My New Years Resolution!

      The start of a new year is a great way to find self-needed improvements. This year my resolution I hope to fulfill is to stop staying up late at night and trying to get to bed early.  I often procrastinate and delay to sleep and often make detours. I instead stay up to watch TV and doing homework, which result in as few hours to sleep. For me to accomplish this goal I will have a set bed time that I must go to sleep by that time. I must have all work finished before that time limit. I’m sure if this happens I will have a more productive and healthier year.
                             Hadia Malik


Krutika said...

Good Luck!!!!

Anonymous said...

Heyyy Hadia!! Your Post is GREAT!!! i really liked your post on your 2011 new yeards resolution!!! Your resolution is a greatm way to help you stay up in class and be focused the whole day through. One of my tips to help you accomplish your new years resloution is to do your homwewok before anything else you do when you get home after class. This way you can focus and stop procastonating!!! GOOD LUCK WITH ACCOMPLISHING YOUR RESOLUTIONS AND KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!!

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