My Stories

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.:P

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Reflecting on Persuasive Commercial Preformances

    Uusing persuasive in different ways, require alot of creavity. For our unit we decided to tape a persuasive commercial to make consumers buy the advertised product. This included humorous, laughing and absurd commercials. The advertisment me, Wamia and Alisa video taped was about how smart phones are better than regular phones. To add some feeling we named our company the REUNITED DUMPLING CORPORATION. Well Alisa did really. We combined two names and called our product the ismart! But theres always room for improvement. With three people with in our group we have a lengthened script. We should have made it in a reasonable length. We tried to use persuasive technique like: Even SELENA GOMEZ has one!!!!  The best part of the unit was video taping it and watching the bloopers. We kept improvising and our actors did a great job so we could hardly notice. We laughed and experienced acting. It wasnt the cast itself that did all the work. Our class mated Abi and Rebecca and all the others encourged us by letting themslevs make mistakes to take the pressure off. Also the teachers: Ms. Carrol AKA video taper, was a great assistance and who can forget Mrs Patalnao who made comments that really helped us know what to do in the future. I hope to continue doing many similar units like this one !

GET AN I SMART TODAY!!  ( just kidding)


Krutika said...

Nice post, Hadia. I even had a great time taping my commerial. I like the length of this post as well as the word choice. One thing you should remember is that you have to say Wamia, Alisa, and I. Instead of me, Wamia and Alisa. By the way... your commercial was really funny. It made period one laugh. But, that wasn't surprising because you are funny over all. Bye!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Hadia! i really enjoyed reading your post! i liked how you stated what you couldve done to improve your commercial!!! i also liked how you said what you enjoyed the most about the commercial!!! watch out for some minor grammer mistakes like for the first word you did two u's for the word using! overall great job! i hope to read your other posts as well!!!

Wonderful Wamia said...

Hi Hadia! I haven't been commenting on you blog lately so I am now. I liked your post and I was part of your group so I knew your opinion on this. I know you said that it was funny and Krutika said that our commercial was humorous, but I do not understand.One: How did Krutika see our commercial? Two:I didn't really include humor in the commercial script.Anyway, back to your fantastic post: it was great how you described what we could have improved, and I really wanted to know your opinion. I did my post before shooting the comercial so I couldn't state this.At the end, it was sort of broken up and we sort of forgot our lines. At the end when we were supposed to say our slogan in unison, I was the only person doing that and I was facing the lockers. I think you might have wanted to include something about the acting that we did. You were a great actor and based on this blog post, I can say that you're a great writer.

Bijal said...

Hey Hadia! i thought you did a great job. I liked how you stated you started your parsgraph. It was a very strong opning. One thing i noticed was you said Wamia, Alisa, and Me its Wamia and Alisa and i but that was the only mistake i sow. I didnt get to see your comersial but i know it will be good. Overall you did a great job!

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