My Stories

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.:P

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What I learned from the collge/career unit!!

Although there are many things to remember for a college and job interview, I picked one aspect I would like to elaborate on.The interview itself. In class we learned about job interviews and the DO and DONTS stuff to say while being interviewed. For an example some DONTS are: you wont say I scored a GPA of 1.4 on a 4.0 GPA scale!! Or that one of my favorite activities is donating 1 gallon of blood!! Or Im allergic to cat!! You would most likely not get hired but would scare the interviewer. Some of the DO'S you might want to include are: your resume. We learned that the interviewer will most likely see your resume and question about, so be prepared for any questions!! Another technique is water. Suppose you are asked a question that you dont have an answer for. Take a sip of water and think. However dont gulp the whole bottle down! The last DO I think is important is your dress. Dont wear a casual shirt and jeans with Nikes it will give a bad impression to the interviewer and the people around you. Instead come early like a day before the interview and observe what others are wearing. Wear dress pants and shirt, make sure you smell and look good. That will give the impreesion that your ready for work! Do's and Donts are really important for an interview. If you have more questions just say them in your comments!


Iaisha said...

I loved it. But you do have some improper spelling and punctuation mistakes. I did like how you discribed the do's and don'ts. For example, you should smell good and be clean which is one of the do's. Another is you shouldn't talk about what you got on your GPA which is one of the don'ts. But overall, you did a great job giving examples and explaining why it is that and should be that. "SO GREAT JOB".

Anonymous said...

Hey Hadia it is Andrea. I like your post and think that elaborating on the dos and donts on a job interview was a great idea. The way that you expressed yourself was great and you used great vocabulary. Overall great post.

Wonderful Wamia said...
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Wonderful Wamia said...

Nice job Hadia. Like Iaisha said, I did like the Do's and Don't's you listed. You were very specific with that but I think you might have wanted to include more information on what you liked and disliked about this unit. Anyway,great job!

Anonymous said...

Hi Hadia! Great job on your post! You really showed what you learned from the college unit! I especially liked the part when you explained all of the do's and donts. The only problem with the post is you only described one thing that you learned and didn't even mention others. I think you should've mentioned every part then describe more specifically your favorite part you learned in the college unit. Other than that KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!

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