My Stories

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.:P

Thursday, February 10, 2011


                                                     College Essay: Harvard University
 Of all the people that have been in my life or have been part it, one character stands out as a person I would hope to be like one day. He is my father. My father appeals to me because he exemplifies what I endeavor for. He is an influential person to me, who motivates me and never feared to point out my flaws or have a pessimistic view of what I do.

Although there are many people I know that encouraging and helpful, I feel my father rather symbolizes, strength, wisdom, and hope. These priciples will help set the foundation of a industrious and helpful life. As a young person, I feel I need to signify these things for the adult world soon to enter.

I am sure that my father had once and still does look up to one person as his model. Some one who had a life full of success and were productive. Even though he might not be capable to this position because he for some reasons he lacks those abilities, he has often wished that one day his own daughter will portray these qualities and live up his name. Through him I feel like I leared the actual value of life and desire to fulfill his dream to promote me and others. Even though I have not mastered these skills, necessary to succeed I feel this college from all others faciliate me toward the base of a new successfull life that will benefit me and will make me proud to be my fathers daughter!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Hadia! A parent or relative is a great person to look up to! The person I did for my college essay is my great-grandfather. I think you have done a great job on this post and should keep up your great work! I could tell you put a lot of time into this essay depending on the size of it! Keep up your great work!

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