My Stories

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.:P

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Persuasive Article: Public VS Private

Public Schools Better than Private Schools

About nine out of ten children ranging from kindergarten to twelfth grade in America attend a public school. This is a large number of students that choose to go there, then the few who opt to go to a private school. However supporters from each school are debating what the differences between the schools are and which one would prove better for children. Each place however serves a noble purpose for education and learning but which one is more preferred and prominent.

According to a recent poll a hundred percent of students decided they would choose to go to a public school than rather go to a private school. Numerous schools seem to have more advantages than private schools which could show that sending children to a local school might show better results. It is been know that an average public school is twice as large as the average private schools. This will have a good affect for it allows a diverse group of students that offer the opportunity for young people to grow in understanding and acceptance of different races and cultures. This will enhance social and communicating skill of students. Another reason private school might not be the right choice because public schools offer programs, support and services to students with academic or health needs. Also there is more likely to be well equipped classes such as cooking or technology. This is another big benefit for attending a public school.

Education and studies must continue in the right place, which will enforce and prepare future students for challenges and expectations. The teachings of a public school will carry this role out and these benefits will accurately guide students to brighter futures,

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Holiday Persuasive: The Angel vs The Star

           Christmas is an annual holiday and for many people, it's the time your family put up an annual tree and decor it with colorful tinfoil and family ornaments. Finally when the tree stands in the corner beautiful and full of Christmas Cheer, its time to put the Tree Topper.

          Some families put up a lovely angel while others top it off with a shining star. Hoever there other types of of symbols but these two are the most popular used. It is an important descion to decide what to use. The ornament will be then passed on in family generations.

        Using angels for toppers is a good way to demonstrate religous beliefs. Most people will remind themselves with the dolls that angel are watching us and are always are looking out for us. Its a symbolic way most Catholic people use as a connection when an angel told the sheperds of the birth of Jesus. Angels are also used for Christmas tree toppers to represent the angel of God that came down from heaven to bring tidings of Jesus' birth. It is often the symbol of the Christian god's message, peace, and love. Choosing a Christmas tree topper angel can remind your family that the reason for the season is Jesus' appearance on earth, and God's word and love.  This is why most people recommend this ornament for a topper.

          Christmas stars for the top of your tree come in a wide variety of styles and colors. Some are plastic, some metalThis is a widely used ornament because they represent the star in the East which is said to have hung over the manger in which Jesus was born. Also this was the source used by the Wise Men who were traveling to see baby Jesus. Many people also believed this is one of the reasons Christmas is celebrated. Having a star on top is a way to represent the message of God and the religon beliefs many families believe in.

          This debate has been going on for years and familes have not been able to decide which is proper. But no matter what you have as a topper, you will know the purpose of Christmas and will continue to lead years of Christmas Cheer. This year many households will be lit up with both and all will represent love and happiness. A good compromise could be an agel holding a star. This could be another form. Who knows?


What row of numbers comes next in this series?

I say "Everything I tell you is a lie," am I telling you the truth or a lie?
These are the new riddles SOMEPEOPLE ARE SAYING THAT THESE ARE TOO HARD what can I say?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

 Once again, the holiday seasons come around this time of the year and with them come wishes and the meticulous work of making them come true. Being Santa Claus, you make the mornings of people across the world.Therefore, it is my earnest wish that you will make my morning best by presenting me an iPhone. This gift will be made good use of, and I believe that it is something I earned and deserve.
           Currently, I do not own a phone and without one, many problems occur. My parents don't know where I am and I cannot inform them. For safety reasons, without a cell phone, I wont be able to call for help or contact 911 for an emergency. On the other hand if did have this source, I would easily be in   touch with an adult and can call for help when needed. Regarding these reasons, it would be fun to talk to friends,and do other things with an iPhone.In addition this phone has many apps which makes it easier to handle.
            As you know, I believe I am mature will treat and use the phone wisely and carefully. I worked hard to earn something that will be a use to me and at the same time entertain me. With the iPhone I will increase my safety cautions know in I have something to depend on. At my age I believe I need something updated like the iPhone.
             I am aware that many people are now sending you letters with requests of their ideas of a gifts. I am grateful if you just read my letter and try to fulfill my wish. This holiday wish will be a benefit to me and others as well. Thank you for what you have given me even if you are not able to grant my wish.
Hadia                                 Merry Christmas!!!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Most stories of Thanksgiving history start with the harvest celebration of the pilgrims and the indians that took place in the autumn. To most people today, its about thinking what your grateful for and giving thanks to the things we take for granted. One of the most important part of this holiday is its traditons and customs.

Family Reunion and Feasting- Relatives and faily all sit around the table and together give their thanks in a grace to the Lord. Its also a time where everyone comes from different places to come together and celebrate.

Tradition of Turkey- Table across the country are set with delicous food waiting to be served with the main ; the TURKEY! Pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce are also food marks for this holiday.

Parades- These spirit lifting occasions are there for celebration and to lift the spirits and smiles of spectastors. This is another way Thanksgiving traditions are carried out.

Football Games- Watching NFL football during Thanksgiving is a popular tradition. Usually the two opponents playing are the Detroit Lions and the Green Bay Packers .

Happy Thansgiving Everyone - Be Thankful- READ WRITE AND BLOG!!

Monday, November 15, 2010


The wind is blowing and golden crisp leaves are drifting in the cool autumn air. Now you must be wonderng why I am all poetic, well ITS NOVEMBER. The time of thanks and the begining of fall. Pretty soon our tables will be set with turkey and tasty food with family around the table. As a tribute to this month I am hosting a blog contest. The contest is that to decorate your blog with the theme of fall. You may use pictures from  anywhere and may do what you like. All teams are welcome. I know that Ihave people from other teams as followers so they may do that as well. The due date is November 25th.  Please as a comment write if you want to particpate so I can keep track.

Ps. This idea was inspired by Wamia. I have her as a follower but heres her link     READ, WRITE, AND BLOGG!!! :)


There are many things too be thankful for and my family is one of them. My mom is someone who has always comforting. My dad will be there to encourage me. I’m thankful for my two younger siblings, for keeping me company, when I’m lonely. I am thankful for these people who have supported me.
           Hadia Malik

Monday, November 1, 2010

Listen up every one!

  Congrarulations to Apoorva,our weeks annual riddle-solver. You can on her blog by clicking her follower on my page. This is the new riddle. Here it goes

  • I am not alive, but I grow; I don't have lungs, but I need air; I don't have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?                                    and the last one

  • It happens once in a minute, twice in a week, and once in a year. What is it?

  •                      Hint the last riddle answer is a


    Thursday, October 28, 2010

    What a Night!!

                         Making my way, along the houses I dragged my trick or treat bag with my friends. We were out Trick or Treating for Halloween. Houses were decorated with pumpkins grinning at us and artifical spider webs were tangled among the bushes. Other trick or treaters were ringing the doorbells too. I adjusted my witch hat as a gust of wind blew through the air. " Lets go there." I said to my friends, Namra, pointing at that house. Together we climbed the cement steps and rang the door bell. An old woman answered, "Trick or Treat!" we chimed. As several pieces dropped into our loot bags we smiled at each other. We had enough candy to last us a month! Lugging our bags behind us we trudged to the at the right. Then I got my first good look at it. The roof and porch was sagging giving it a potbellied look. Windows were cracked and the curtains were full of moth holes. Paint peeled of, it made a shiver run down my spine.

               Suddenly,I felt a nudge on my elbow. " What!" I whispered to my friend. Namra silently pointed at the door, " I dare you to go and ring the bell", she replied. All of a sudden the house seemed haunted and seemed like it was waiting to swallow me up. I shook my head. " No way am I going there!" I exclaimed. Namra taunted me. " Your a chicken!" " Am not!" I protested. She folded her arms " prove it." she said putting her self into the house firmly, not budging. I glanced at the house, I thought I saw something flutter behind the curtain. But, stupid as I am, I went. Clutching to my bag I slowly asceded the decaying steps. Dont be scared Hadia, its just a house, I told my self. With a trembling hand I raised to ring the bell, but before I could touch it, the door flew open.

                   I gasped, and stumbled backward. The knot of fear in my stomache grew tighter by the second. From the doorway came an old man. With black and blue spots on his head and unseen white hair, he glared at us. Walking with a limp he shook a cane at us furiously. " Darn you kids!" and made a grab for us. Recovering from my shock I bumped into Nmara who was standing there white as a sheet. " Run!" I manged to cry out loud. Our feet pounded against the concerete of the side walk but the man was on our tail. " Come back you dirty rascals!" he yelled. But we didnt stop, we ran and ran till we bumped into our mothers. The madman stopped aa few yards away, yelling threats at us.  " What happened my mother questioned, you guys look like you seen a ghost!" It took a while for me and Namra to stop trembling and then we told what happened. My mom looked at my friends mom and they burst out laughing! " Kids these days!" they exclaimed. We stood there puzzled. What happened to us, what did we do to cause a madman to chase us a half a block on Halloween.

                    That night we decided to keep our secret to ourselves and went home. We decided that we had enough trick or treating for this year. I layed in bed as I fell asleep,exhausted. What a Night!!

    Sunday, October 24, 2010


    So as you all know HALLOWEEN is coming! And so I will be doing a post on it naturally and might be doing a halloween theme on my blog.So stay tuned to see and watch out for my rutgers writing essay that will be coming soon.

    If you have any ideas for my blog please please please tell i want my blogto be great for you viewers. Thanks and remember, read write and BLOG!!

    - HADIA

    Saturday, October 23, 2010

    Gathering Blue

    Okay so, this is the book I have posted about. This is the book that comes after the Giver, by Lois Lowry. I read the whole book so I hope you like it. I also am going to post a special story by me, that I entered for a Rutgers Writing Contest in fifth grade. So read the summary, and remember to COMMENT on what you like or should post!!

    The book is a companion novel to The Giver (1993), and is followed by Messenger (2004) in The Giver trilogy. It is set in the same future time period and it treats some of the same themes. The central character, Kira, who has a twisted leg, is orphaned and must learn to survive in a society which normally leaves the weak or disabled exposed to die in the fields. In Gathering Blue Kira needs a reason for the Council of Edifice to keep her in the village and not take her to the Field. Along the way she meets characters such as Matt and his dog (Branchie), Thomas, Jo, and Christopher (Kira's dad). For Kira, finding Blue dyes is the best thing for her. Along the way, she learns more about the truth of her village and the terrible secrets they hold.Kira is often kept company by a mischievous boy called Matt, who looks to Kira much as he would look to a generous, indulgent, but incorrupt older sister. It is Matt who unwittingly reveals the flaws in society to Kira, who conveys them to Thomas. Ultimately the artists realize that they were purposely made orphans by the Council of Guardians, the group which rules their country. The said Council makes every deceptive effort to keep the artists under its control, but fails because of Kira and Matt.

    In the next book,Messenger several characters appear again. I dont want to spoil the ending, so I hope yulike it and comment to tell if I should post the next book. Remember read, write and BLOG!!

    Thursday, October 21, 2010

    Does Patriotism Still Matter/

    Does Patriotism Still Matter?

    I have been reciting the pledge of alligence every day, since I started my elementary school. I always wondered what could be one act of passion that brings every one of us living in same country to stand as one nation, under one God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
    Finally, today I understood the meaning of that pledge when my teacher gave me this topic to write about “Does patriotism still matters”
    Yes, I firmly believe that patriotism matters. It means many things but most importantly it means to love for your country and be willing to sacrifice your freedom to defend it. Patriotism is not a blind passion It requires to support your `country wisely and doing best for it.
    It’s human nature that we grow to love our town and country of birth. Especially when that country provides us with equal rights, liberty and justice, where we have freedom to pursue our dreams and can practice religion of our choice. We develop love and want to pay back when our country and its people need it.
    Patriotism is a quality that makes us involved with community service. It encourages us to give society that will make it better. It force us to seek ways how to stand for those principal upon which the nation was built which includes moral responsibilities and freedom of conscious.
    Patriotism still matters because without it, what would we really have? It means we are showing no respect and devotion for our country. We are not doing enough to make it peaceful and stable. It means we are taking our rights and freedom for granted. We are not proud of the country that made us who we are. Not being a patriot we are like a sunny day friend that only comes out when there no troubles on the horizon.
    I believe that no matter what culture, faith and nation you belong to, patriotism stays the same for everyone. It does matter today and will always be!
    I’m a patriot!

    Thursday, October 14, 2010

    Ralph Fletcher

    We read 5 excerpts from Marsfield Dreams: When I was a kid. In the short passages the author, Ralph Fletcher gives a decent amount of imformation about some of his past childhood memories. Some include fore shadowing while others cause readers to feel emational at the end. though I enjoyed all excerpts, I perfered the two I listed below. They had interestin qoutes and good endings.

    From the five excerpts, I chose "Bobby" and "Last Kiss".
    The reason I chose " Bobby " was because I liked the way the author foreshadows. In the text Ralph Fletcher states
    He sat in the play pen happy as a pie, like he had no idea what was coming which of course he didnt.
    ( P.59,Fletcher,2005) Here he gives a hint with the sentence, that something bad was going to happen to the character,Bobby. As you later read, Bobby is killed in a car accident during his senior years.

    The other excerpt I chose was " Last Kiss" In this passage, Ralph Fletcher uses dialoge and a woven idea. The qoute I perfered was
    My father and I had drifted apart from each other in a small but important way.
    The author also ends the story emotianlly causing the reader to fell bad or have sympathy over the protaganist.


    Thanks for Voting

    Heyyyyy! peoples just wanna say that thanks for voting on the poll. Turns out girls watch more tv than boys ( no offense boys ) but hahahahhahah. Just kidding anyway comment on what you want for my blog and the post on the poll. Bye and remember read,write and BLOG!!

    P.S did you like the song credit to ANIKA RAHMAN

    Sunday, October 10, 2010

    Book of The Week

    Well, Iknow im doing this a bit early, listing the book of the week but im going to busy next week so he I didnt know. Also this should be the books of the week, becuase i picked a series to change things up a bit so this it :

    The Giver Series
    Jonas, an Eleven, is excited about the approaching Ceremony of Twelve. His friends Asher, Fiona and the others of his year seem to naturally fit into a certain Assignment. His mother and father are both matched well to their Assignments and even his little sister Lily shows some early inclinations to where she might be Assigned. He, however, has never felt a particular comfortable to any one thing.

    Jonas's community is ordered by tight rules, and multiple things will result in Release from the community to Elsewhere. Newchildren who do not develop as expected and the Old are also Released. But Jonas is not concerned with those things. He is a good student and obeys the community rules, except for one instance of being singled out for removing an apple from the recreation area.

    At the long endless ceremony of Twelve, Jonas is shocked when the Chief Elder announces that he has not been Assigned, but rather Selected as the community's next Receiver of Memory. It is a very rare event and a position of great importance.

    Jonas meets the community's previous Receiver of Memory for his training. The man tells him that he is now the Receiver and that Jonas should call him The Giver. The Giver begins to transmit his memories to Jonas. Jonas learns about colors, which are not seen by other citizens because of Sameness. He had already begun to see some color, in the case of the apple he took home. The Giver later begins to transmit memories of war, pain, hunger and death. These memories are kept away from the community so that they do not have to know such things, but the memories must exist somewhere. Along with the terrible and painful memories, there are also beautiful memories of the time before Sameness and of a love that does not exist in the community.

    As the memories he receives drastically change his understanding of his community, his friends and family, and himself, Jonas begins to conceive of things being different. That people could make choices for themselves, even if they were wrong, and that they could love.

    When he witnesses his father Releasing a newborn twin Jonas realizes that it actually means death. The Giver explains that it is not his father's fault, because he and the others do not have the memories Jonas does and they know nothing. It is then that Jonas and The Giver form a plan for Jonas to disappear from the community and thereby release all of the memories he has received back into it. However, the night the plan is to set out, Jonas learns that a newchild, Gabriel, who has been staying with his family in the hopes that he would learn to sleep through the night, is scheduled for Release in the morning.

    Jonas delays from the plan and flees the community with the newchild. They avoid the search planes, but as they go further and further from Sameness their situation grows more and more desperate. Finally, in a snowstorm, Jonas is certain they are coming to the promised Elsewhere, where people are waiting for him and the baby.

    So any way this is the first book next im doing GATHERING BLUE
    You better like this summary cuz I read the whole book to do this. So remember read,write and BLOG!!

    Hey Guys

    So anyway ill be posting the next book of the week and will be adding something new this week thanks to apoorvas blog. Besides evryone only has 2 more days to vote at the poll. Thanks to anikas blog u all readers now can listen to the top hits song of the week. So this one is " I like It by " by enrique. So go on her blog to check the songs out and become a follower. Thanks and remember, read, write and BLOG!!

    P.S Check on Wendsday for the new gadget ill be posting!!!

    Thursday, October 7, 2010

    Ummmm....I think I'll Pass

    " Ok I asked, whats next."
    "That one, lets ride that one." I followed my fathers gaze to see what he pointing at, and caugt my breath. There, to me was the most scariest, tallest steel coaster in the world. I gulped as a row of carts dropped down in the most terrifying drop I had ever seen. Now way I was going on that. But when I looked at my fathers hopeful face, I knew I had to. Glancng at the rollercoaster my mom turned pale, " You want to come?" Dad asked. " Ummm.. I think I'll pass." mom replied nervously. " So My dad said its only you and me, come on!" I couldnt say anything. He grabbed my arm and started pulling, more like dragging me to the long, winding line. As the file of people slowly moved on, I drew deep breaths. Is okay Hadia, its just a ride, it'll be over in a minute. I felt calmer, somewhat, but then I looked up at the towering ride and my insides turned liquid again. " This is going to be so much fun!" my dad yelped. He was acting like a silly little schoolgirl. I didnt blame him, the coaster looked fun if it werent so scary at the same time.You see, my parents took me here to Six flags The Amuement park. Home of the best rides and the tallest steel coasters in the world. They had promised me they would take me there, since I nothing to do over the summer. I actually enjoyed coming here until...this. My brother and sister were lucky, they were safe with my mom, probably riding the horses on the merry go round. Suddenly, the screams of passengers on the ride jolted me back to life. Oh no we were almost there, with each inch we moved the more I felt queasy. " This is going to be great!" my dad said. "Easy for you to say." I muttered under my breath. Soon I felt concrete hit my foot. We were at the steps to the platform. I thought I was going to fall over. Dad rushed ahead of me and waited besides the gates for the carts to come. I slowly made my way up, waiting for doom. As the engines hissed the passengers came in, as they got of their seats, they looked shaken and white as paper. My knees buckled under me. what if I had an heart attack, I could already see my tombtone :Here lays Hadia Malik, died of the sight of a roller coaster,RIP. I shook my head and took a seat by my father. It was nice meeting you I said in my mind. I was buckled up and kept staring at the coasters name painted at the side of the building; NITRO. the engines hissed again I the seats started moving, I felt faint. Im gonna die, Im gonna die>Some one help me!! As we started making our way up hill we inched higher and higher till the ground. My whole body was trembling. I couldnt stop shaking, I felt sick. What if i fall off? What if the rollercoaster stops up here? Just as we went down the bend I looked at dad. He was enjoying himself, relaxing with his arms folded behind his head. " We are going to die" I said. He chuckled. "Im going to kill you after this .... if I live" I said. Still laughing he put an arm around " Come on be stro....AAAAHHHHH!!!!!" The carts fell with the most amzing speed. The wind whipped at my face that tears began to form. I joined in with my dads yell. The drop continued like it was bottemless. I had left my stomache somewhere at the top and was literlly going to be sick. Fighting to keep my head up, I clutched my stomache, opened my mouth and let out the most loudest yell I ever screamed. Suddenly the drop ended and we were titled to the side, I crashed on my dad. Above the noise I think I heard a painfull OOOOWWWW!!!Then everything was quiet. Yes it was over. But I was wrong, down we went again,this time I couldnt see anything. We were sideways, under, over and tilted. Then everything stopped. the impact made me slam my head on the seat. I sat there quivering, my hair looked like a birds nest and my hands looked like they My dad helped me up. My neck hurt, I couldnt feel my legs and my heart was beating so loud I thought everyone could hear it. Dad and I both staggered over to a bench where I sat there, both of us silent. Mom came and gasped lookin at our faces. " Was it that bad?" " IT WAS AWESOME!!" I cried, waving my arms in the air, causing people to look at me. I looked at my dad who was yellow. " Lets go again!" I cried. He groaned. " Ummmm.... I think I'll pass!"

    Tuesday, October 5, 2010

    Ella Enchanted_Book Of The Week

    Ella Enchanted, written by Gail Carson Levine and published in 1997 is a Newbery Honor Book. It is an adaptation of Cinderella with many mythical, imaginative creatures like giants, gnomes, elves, fairies and ogres. The lead character of the novel is Ella who has a very charming personality with a lot of energy. On her 15th birthday, fairy Lucinda gives her a gift of obedience which turned out to be a curse for her as she is now bound to obey every order she gets. She meets Prince Charmont (char) and they get along very nicely with each other. In the series of events, Char feels himself inclined towards Ella but Ella does not say yes to his love proposal as she thinks that her obedience curse might hurt Char in the future. In her saying No to Prince Char, her curse breaks and they get married and live happily ever after. It's a cute little romantic, fairy tale type of a book which holds a greater attraction for young readers. It has a film adaptation as well that was released on April 9, 2004. If you like this review, then you'll love the book!!

    Tuesday, September 28, 2010

    Book of The Week

    This week book is Percy Jackson, The Lightning Theif. A completed series by Rick Rodan, a wonderful author. In this story a boy named Percy is about to find the biggest suprise in his life. At first he was just a normal kid living in New York, until he went to the museum. He finds the truth, The olympian gods are still living and one of them is his father! When a problem occurs Percy's mother is taken away and the gods blame him for taking something from Olympus, something dangerous. Now its up to Percy to retrieve what was stolen and to find his mother back. Read to find out what happens next! I hope ou enjoyed. Stay tuned for next weeks book!!

    Monday, September 27, 2010

    My Locker

       My locker is located in the rockets hall, my team. Every day after each period I go to it turning the dial and watching the numbers spin by. However this particular day, as I approached my locker something was wrong. The lock was flipped! I looked around, the halls were deserted and the bell to 3rd period was going to ring. Paniking, I tried turning, yanking and pulling but nothing happened. Suddenly I could hear every clock in the school tick by each second.

        Then suddenly Mr.Kenny popped out of the next door way. I jumped and dropped all my books. " Woah he said is something wrong?" I nodded and in a squeaky voice replied " My..... locker  er ... flipped" I said, my voice barely above a whisper. Suddenly the bell rang and I flinched. But Mr Kenny eyed my locked and fiddled with, a few moments later click! it opened. I heaved a sigh of relief. Gathering my books I rushed to class,clutching my late pass. I slumped into my chair. What a day!

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