My Stories

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.:P

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Most stories of Thanksgiving history start with the harvest celebration of the pilgrims and the indians that took place in the autumn. To most people today, its about thinking what your grateful for and giving thanks to the things we take for granted. One of the most important part of this holiday is its traditons and customs.

Family Reunion and Feasting- Relatives and faily all sit around the table and together give their thanks in a grace to the Lord. Its also a time where everyone comes from different places to come together and celebrate.

Tradition of Turkey- Table across the country are set with delicous food waiting to be served with the main ; the TURKEY! Pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce are also food marks for this holiday.

Parades- These spirit lifting occasions are there for celebration and to lift the spirits and smiles of spectastors. This is another way Thanksgiving traditions are carried out.

Football Games- Watching NFL football during Thanksgiving is a popular tradition. Usually the two opponents playing are the Detroit Lions and the Green Bay Packers .

Happy Thansgiving Everyone - Be Thankful- READ WRITE AND BLOG!!


Wonderful Wamia said...

Hey Hadia, I love your blog background! How'd you get the tiled pattern? Anway, I think you should enter the Thanksgiving Blog Decorating Contest. You won the previous time, but I didn't give you your prize because you didn't follow all the rules. If you do this time, I'll automatically get you a prize. My blog address is
~Wonderful Wamia

Anonymous said...

hey Hadia! Ireally liked your post on Thanksgiving!! I likeed how you wrote about every Thanksgiving tradition and why we do it. The explanations coulve been a bit longer but other than that, it is great!!!

-Anika R.

Anonymous said...

Great Job Hadia! You wrote very well. I agree with Anika. You could use some explantion on Thanksgiving.How do you get the tiled background?I love your blog and the Christmas magic that around it. You could still enter Wamia's Blog decorating contest. Just use what blogger offers and you'll be on your way to absolute blog fame!!!See you at school!!!!


Anonymous said...

hey hadia its me memz i loved it

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