My Stories

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.:P

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Book of The Week

Well, Iknow im doing this a bit early, listing the book of the week but im going to busy next week so he I didnt know. Also this should be the books of the week, becuase i picked a series to change things up a bit so this it :

The Giver Series
Jonas, an Eleven, is excited about the approaching Ceremony of Twelve. His friends Asher, Fiona and the others of his year seem to naturally fit into a certain Assignment. His mother and father are both matched well to their Assignments and even his little sister Lily shows some early inclinations to where she might be Assigned. He, however, has never felt a particular comfortable to any one thing.

Jonas's community is ordered by tight rules, and multiple things will result in Release from the community to Elsewhere. Newchildren who do not develop as expected and the Old are also Released. But Jonas is not concerned with those things. He is a good student and obeys the community rules, except for one instance of being singled out for removing an apple from the recreation area.

At the long endless ceremony of Twelve, Jonas is shocked when the Chief Elder announces that he has not been Assigned, but rather Selected as the community's next Receiver of Memory. It is a very rare event and a position of great importance.

Jonas meets the community's previous Receiver of Memory for his training. The man tells him that he is now the Receiver and that Jonas should call him The Giver. The Giver begins to transmit his memories to Jonas. Jonas learns about colors, which are not seen by other citizens because of Sameness. He had already begun to see some color, in the case of the apple he took home. The Giver later begins to transmit memories of war, pain, hunger and death. These memories are kept away from the community so that they do not have to know such things, but the memories must exist somewhere. Along with the terrible and painful memories, there are also beautiful memories of the time before Sameness and of a love that does not exist in the community.

As the memories he receives drastically change his understanding of his community, his friends and family, and himself, Jonas begins to conceive of things being different. That people could make choices for themselves, even if they were wrong, and that they could love.

When he witnesses his father Releasing a newborn twin Jonas realizes that it actually means death. The Giver explains that it is not his father's fault, because he and the others do not have the memories Jonas does and they know nothing. It is then that Jonas and The Giver form a plan for Jonas to disappear from the community and thereby release all of the memories he has received back into it. However, the night the plan is to set out, Jonas learns that a newchild, Gabriel, who has been staying with his family in the hopes that he would learn to sleep through the night, is scheduled for Release in the morning.

Jonas delays from the plan and flees the community with the newchild. They avoid the search planes, but as they go further and further from Sameness their situation grows more and more desperate. Finally, in a snowstorm, Jonas is certain they are coming to the promised Elsewhere, where people are waiting for him and the baby.

So any way this is the first book next im doing GATHERING BLUE
You better like this summary cuz I read the whole book to do this. So remember read,write and BLOG!!


Anonymous said...

Hey hadia!! That was great!! It was really long too!! You are a really great writer!! To make it better you could have left out some detail so the reader could think of it as a mystery and actually read the book. Overall you did a great job and i look forward to reading the other posts you post on your blog!! Great job again!!

-anika r.

Vedhanth said...

Nice post! I remember reading with our group! FUN EXPERIENCE! Anyway nice post it is an amazing book. One book that I enjoyed a lot. I am looking forward to your future posts! Keep it up!

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