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Thursday, April 7, 2011

school topic essay

       Dear School Board,
      It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.  ~Albert Einstein”, as the world prospers so doe’s technology. In the contemporary day, technology plays a big function in on a daily basis life, including education. To educate our town’s kids, we must have the fundamental things to do so. It is in the advantage of the students to have the ability to access computers for research, to extend an interest in class and thrive in academics. Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.  ~Aldous Huxley With computers in classrooms, students will be aware that they can learn about the outside world. They will have an easy time searching the Web and become skilled at using computers. They will know where to go, what to do, and when to also. In today’s modern world, kids are less interested in studies and more in gadgets and electronics.  With computers in classrooms students will be eager to participate and research in class. Soon they will realize their potential goal and strive for it.
  With students more engrossed in school, they will contribute and the grades will confirm it. Soon over half of the students will be able to ace tests and pass each class. It is in the best interest of the school board to provide computers in classroom in order for students to be successful and thriving.


Krutika said...

Nice post, Hadia. I loved the quote you used. But, your essay could have been much bigger by putting more details in the body paragraphs. You should have made each of your claims a different paragraph, so in all you would have five paragraphs. Overall, this was a good post, but I know you and you could much better.
By the way, I totally agree with you about having computers in classrooms.

Anonymous said...

Hi Hadia! I really liked the topic you had chosen for your post! It's true, technology has become a great part of many people's lives during this time. I also agree that the technology helps our generation gather more information easier. What you could of done is expand your writing and put it into 5 paragraphs but if you had the same problem as me (that the paragraphs wouldn't appear) than it's okay. Overall great post!!!

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