My Stories

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.:P

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What I learned from the collge/career unit!!

Although there are many things to remember for a college and job interview, I picked one aspect I would like to elaborate on.The interview itself. In class we learned about job interviews and the DO and DONTS stuff to say while being interviewed. For an example some DONTS are: you wont say I scored a GPA of 1.4 on a 4.0 GPA scale!! Or that one of my favorite activities is donating 1 gallon of blood!! Or Im allergic to cat!! You would most likely not get hired but would scare the interviewer. Some of the DO'S you might want to include are: your resume. We learned that the interviewer will most likely see your resume and question about, so be prepared for any questions!! Another technique is water. Suppose you are asked a question that you dont have an answer for. Take a sip of water and think. However dont gulp the whole bottle down! The last DO I think is important is your dress. Dont wear a casual shirt and jeans with Nikes it will give a bad impression to the interviewer and the people around you. Instead come early like a day before the interview and observe what others are wearing. Wear dress pants and shirt, make sure you smell and look good. That will give the impreesion that your ready for work! Do's and Donts are really important for an interview. If you have more questions just say them in your comments!

Monday, February 14, 2011


ok so you can thank abi for the answer to the toughest riddle!

The answer is. . . . .. . .NO!

yep that concept is: they try to distract with extra information suchas the polar bears and celebraties!
Wat you should mainly concentrate is on the QUESTION!!

The question: Can you solve this riddle?
And you cant so its NO

Why does the baby ant get confused?
ALL his uncles are his aunts!!

WHat city has no people


Thursday, February 10, 2011


                                                     College Essay: Harvard University
 Of all the people that have been in my life or have been part it, one character stands out as a person I would hope to be like one day. He is my father. My father appeals to me because he exemplifies what I endeavor for. He is an influential person to me, who motivates me and never feared to point out my flaws or have a pessimistic view of what I do.

Although there are many people I know that encouraging and helpful, I feel my father rather symbolizes, strength, wisdom, and hope. These priciples will help set the foundation of a industrious and helpful life. As a young person, I feel I need to signify these things for the adult world soon to enter.

I am sure that my father had once and still does look up to one person as his model. Some one who had a life full of success and were productive. Even though he might not be capable to this position because he for some reasons he lacks those abilities, he has often wished that one day his own daughter will portray these qualities and live up his name. Through him I feel like I leared the actual value of life and desire to fulfill his dream to promote me and others. Even though I have not mastered these skills, necessary to succeed I feel this college from all others faciliate me toward the base of a new successfull life that will benefit me and will make me proud to be my fathers daughter!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Febuary,Snow, Valentines,. . . .JOKES

A new month has arrived and nothings better than welcoming it with a handfull of RIDDLES :)

In febuary, alot of events occur besides the snow. Theres Valentines, Ground hogs, and my Birthday!
Its been a long time since this blogg has been improved and i know alot of you left comments which im still reading! Soo as a tribute I made the background into a "pink theme". But if you dont like it i can improvise soo plz tell.

THE JOKES:    Note : if you are under the age of 11: hazards of brain torment, fustrations and sometimes tantrums. If they are too hard tell me ill put new riddles! The winners will be ammouced on the 12   GOOD LUCK!! PS your going too need it


99% of Harvard students will not get this, 87% of KINDERGARTENERS will get this withint SIX minutes(:

I turn polar bears white
and I will make you cry.
I make guys have to ###
and girls comb their hair.
I make celebrities look stupid
and normal people look like celebrities.
I turn pancakes brown
and make your champane bubble.
If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.
If you look at me, you'll pop.
Can you solve this riddle?

I can be flexible, I can be strong, but if you never use me, I will not have me very long. What am I?

What city has no people?

ANd this one is dumb but    Why was the baby ant so confused.

LOL if you answer one of these YOU WIN

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