My Stories

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.:P

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Book of The Week

This week book is Percy Jackson, The Lightning Theif. A completed series by Rick Rodan, a wonderful author. In this story a boy named Percy is about to find the biggest suprise in his life. At first he was just a normal kid living in New York, until he went to the museum. He finds the truth, The olympian gods are still living and one of them is his father! When a problem occurs Percy's mother is taken away and the gods blame him for taking something from Olympus, something dangerous. Now its up to Percy to retrieve what was stolen and to find his mother back. Read to find out what happens next! I hope ou enjoyed. Stay tuned for next weeks book!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

My Locker

   My locker is located in the rockets hall, my team. Every day after each period I go to it turning the dial and watching the numbers spin by. However this particular day, as I approached my locker something was wrong. The lock was flipped! I looked around, the halls were deserted and the bell to 3rd period was going to ring. Paniking, I tried turning, yanking and pulling but nothing happened. Suddenly I could hear every clock in the school tick by each second.

    Then suddenly Mr.Kenny popped out of the next door way. I jumped and dropped all my books. " Woah he said is something wrong?" I nodded and in a squeaky voice replied " My..... locker  er ... flipped" I said, my voice barely above a whisper. Suddenly the bell rang and I flinched. But Mr Kenny eyed my locked and fiddled with, a few moments later click! it opened. I heaved a sigh of relief. Gathering my books I rushed to class,clutching my late pass. I slumped into my chair. What a day!

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